1 (edited by Stefan 2006-12-28 18:42:06)

Topic: Allow empty parameters

- String replacement
   "( "str1", "str2", i1, i2, cs )"

are parameters without an value (i.e empty) not allowed?!

i.e. if i wanna search case sensitive then

%b( "FinD","replace" , , ,1 ).%e
%b( "FinD","replace" ,1 , ,1 ).%e
is not enough

i have to use
%b( "FinD","replace" ,1,99,1 ).%e

(99 to find all)


Help wrote:

By default all occurrences are treated
and the search is case insensitive.

>By default all occurrences are treated
so ,,,1 must be enough for to search case sensitive, isn't it?

Maybe i have test the wrong way or not enough tested?
If not i wanna suggest to allow empty parameter but wrote comas only like ,,,1
If it not to many work to implement this!


Re: Allow empty parameters

i have to use
%b( "FinD","replace" ,1,99,1 ).%e

(99 to find all)

You can replace "99" with "-1" which means "all remaining occurences".

If not i wanna suggest to allow empty parameter but wrote comas only like ,,,1
If it not to many work to implement this!

Syntactically it disturbs me a bit but maybe are you right.
I note this point in my "todo" list.


Re: Allow empty parameters

I've just made the modification.

Thanks for this suggestion.