OK, I thought I had the right expression, but I'm starting to realize that since my directory has all kinds of files in it, I havning problems filtering only the ones I need to rename. All the files I want to rename should be in the format: ????####.* Where ?=character(could be 0-4 characters), #=number and *=character(could be any number of characters). We tried to stick to a 8.3 DOS format for all files. Unfortunately we exceeded 9999 and went to naming files using ???#####.* I pretty much figured I needed to take care of the 5-digit filenames first, and then work on the files that had 4 digits. But I was hoping maybe somebody could give me another suggestion. Here's what I have so far...
4-digit files...
5-digit files...
I was hoping there was some kind of expression for including only files that the last 4 characters of the 8-character filename were numbers (ex: 0000-9999).
I've checked the directory and there are about 31,000 files in this one directory. About 3100 files are 5-digit filenames (ex. 10000-10999). The files haven't got into 11000, but they will soon.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Tommy McClain