(3 replies, posted in How to ...)

Thanks for those replies. I tried the suggestions and they work well.   They will help me get started, it will take a bit to sink in but I think it will be worth learning  smile


(3 replies, posted in How to ...)

I've just started to try Siren but am struggling to work out how to do what I want (I wish there were more examples).

I want to convert filenames like: 30-3-2013 - Fred was here.txt (begins day, month, year) to 2013-03-30 - Fred was here.txt

My Expression so far is: %b(s/([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/\3-\2-\1 \4/).%e

That gets it to: "2013-3-30  - Fred was here.txt", close but I want the month (3) padded to "03".

I'm no regular expression expert either :-)
If someone can explain why this doesn't work that would be great:   %b(s/(.+)-(.+)-(.+)/\3-\2-\1 \4/).%e (possibly greedy verus non-greedy, if so any way to control that?