(10 replies, posted in How to ...)

Groß- Kleinschreibung ändern:

U = Nur Den Jeweils Ersten Im Teil Großschreiben.
L = Nur den jeweils ersten im teil groß und den rest klein.
l = alles kleinschreiben
Für Wort- bzw. Teiletrenner siehe "Options/Modifications"

Beispiel: "03 the beatles - new song.mp5"

Jeden ersten Buchstaben großschreiben:
Expression: %Ub.%Ue
Ergebnis: "03 The Beatles - New Song.Mp5"

Jeden Buchstaben großschreiben:
Expression: %ub.%ue
Ergebnis: "03 THE BEATLES - NEW SONG.MP5"

Nur den allerersten im namen großschreiben, Satzweise:
Expression: %Lb.%e
Ergebnis: "03 The beatles - new song.mp5"

Mit den [] -Klammerpaar werden Teile des Namens extrahiert.
Für Teiletrenner siehe "Options/Modifications"
Alternativ kann man auch von Fall zu Fall
, "Zeichen" innerhalb der []-Klammern
entscheiden was ein Trenner sein soll.

Hier habe ich mit ,"-" angegeben, das der Bindestrich mein Trenner ist.

Expression: %Ub[1,"-"] - %Lb[2,"-"].%ue
Ergebnis: "03 The Beatles - New song.MP5"

Hier gebe ich mit ," " an das das Leerzeichen der Trenner sein soll:
Expression: %b[1," "]_%ub[2," "] Original %Ub[3," "] - %ub[2,"-"].%ue
Ergebnis: "03_THE Original Beatles - NEW SONG.MP5"



(10 replies, posted in How to ...)

Text an einer bestimmten Position einfügen:

Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Expression: %b(1,13)Good %b(14).%e
Ergebnis: "03 Beatles - Good New Song.mp5"

Oder mittels Suchen&Ersetzen
Syntax: ( "finde dies" , " ersetze hiermit" )

Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Expression: %b("-","- Good").%e
Ergebnis: "03 Beatles - Good New Song.mp5"

Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Expression: %b("beatles","Beatles Revival Band").%e
Ergebnis: "03 Beatles Revival Band - New Song.mp5"

Der Dateiname hat hier im Beispiel 21 Zeichen.

03 Beatles - New Song.mp5
123456789012345678901 -->
109876543210987654321 <--

um die Werte ohne Abzählen raus zufinden,
kopiere den Dateinamen in das Expression-Feld (rechte Maustaste: insert pointed value)
dann stelle den Cursor im Expression-Feld auf die gewünscht Stelle (oder selektiere etwas)
und drücke Strg+Shift+E: unten in der Statusleiste steht der gesucht Wert.



(10 replies, posted in How to ...)

Einfügen vor dem Dateinamen:

Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Expression: prefix %f
Ergebnis: "prefix 03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"


Einfügen nach dem Dateinamen:

Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Expression: %b (Remix).*
Ergebnis: "03 Beatles - New Song (Remix).mp5"

Wenn wir eine öffnende Klammer möchten
aber kein Leerzeichen zw. altem Namen und neuem Text,
müssen wir die Klammer mittels \ 'escapen'

Expression: %b\(Remix).*
Ergebnis: "03 Beatles - New Song(Remix).mp5"



(10 replies, posted in How to ...)

Zeichen entfernen (geht über "Zeichen behalten"):

Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Expression: %b( Start , Weite ).%e

Um Links 3 Zeichen zu entfernen starte mit 4 ohne Weite anzugeben:  %b(4).%e => "Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Um Rechts 5 Zeichen zu löschen starte mit 1 und setze die Weite auf -5: %b(1,-5).%e => "03 Beatles - New.mp5"

Um nur die ersten 7 Zeichen zu behalten: %b(1,7).%e => "03 Beat.mp5"
Um nur die letzten 8 Zeichen zu behalten: %b(-8)%e => "New Song.mp5"

Um nur einen Mittelteil zu behalten, z.B.: %b(3,8).%e => "Beatles.mp5"
Um Zeichen an einer bestimmten Stelle aus der Mitte zu entfernen: %b(1,13)%b(18).%e => "03 Beatles - Song.mp5"

Um bestimmte Zeichen zu entfernen, z.B.: %b("new ").* => "03 Beatles - Song.mp5"
(Richtig: dies ist ein ( "Suchen"  , "Ersetzen"  ) ohne den "Ersetzen"-Teil, somit wird der gefundene Suchbegriff entfernt)

um die Werte ohne Abzählen raus zufinden,
kopiere den Dateinamen in das Expression-Feld (rechte Maustaste: insert pointed value)
und stelle den Cursor im Expression-Feld auf die gewünscht Stelle
und drücke Strg+P (Strg+Shift+E): unten in der Statusleiste steht der gesucht Wert.

Der Dateiname hat hier im Beispiel 21 Zeichen.

03 Beatles - New Song.mp5
123456789012345678901 -->
109876543210987654321 <--



(10 replies, posted in How to ...)

Ersetze Text mit neuem Text:
Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Syntax: %b( "Suchen"  , "Ersetzen"  ).%e
Expression: %b( "new"  , "Old"  ).%e
Ergebnis: "03 Beatles - Old Song.mp5"

Dies funktioniert auch mit Regular Expression "%b(s/exp/fmt/mod).%e"

Erweiterte Funktion:
Syntax: %b( "Suchen", "Ersetzen", i1, i2, cs ).%e

i1 = finde und ersetze ab Vorkommen Nummer x
%b( "Suchen", "Ersetzen", 1 ).%e  = ab erstem Vorkommen
%b( "Suchen", "Ersetzen", 4 ).%e  = ab dem vierten Vorkommen
%b( "Suchen", "Ersetzen", -2 ).%e  = ab dem zweiten von Hinten

i2 = wie oft finden und ersetzen
%b( "Suchen", "Ersetzen", 3 , 2).%e  = 2 mal ab drittem Vorkommen

cs = Case Sensitive = Groß- Kleinschreibung, Standard ist 0, d.h. aus.
%b( "Suchen"  , "Ersetzen",1,999,1  ).%e = alle ab dem ersten Vorkommen, beachte Groß- Kleinschreibung.

ich benutze hier 999 um wirklich alle Vorkommen zu finden, es würde je nach Fall auch 1 oder 2 oder 9 reichen ;-)
Der Autor von Siren rplr hat mir verraten das man anstelle von 999 auch eine '-1' benutzen kann.
%b( "Suchen"  , "Ersetzen",1,-1,1  ).%e


(10 replies, posted in How to ...)

Hier einige Beispiele auf Deutsch um die Handhabung von Siren Renamer besser verstehen zu können.    -   Here a few examples in german.   

For english readers i want to give an short translation:          [version langue allemande]
Beispiel => Example file name                                            [exemple pour nom de fichier]
Expression => write this in the expression box of Siren         [expression linéaire]
Ergebnis => Result after renaming (this is the future name)   [résultat après renommer un fichier]

Ersetze Dateinamen:

Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Expression: Neuer Name.*
Ergebnis: "Neuer Name.mp5"


Ersetze die Erweiterung:

Beispiel: "03 Beatles - New Song.mp5"
Expression: *.neu
Ergebnis: "03 Beatles - New Song.neu"


   Für weitere Details lade dir  Siren einfach bei http://www.scarabee-software.net/en/siren.html  herunter und lese die Hilfe (in Englisch)
   Siren muss nicht installiert werden und speichert alle Einstellungen in ini-Dateien.  <Hier> kann man ein paar Bilder von Siren in Aktion sehen.
   Viel Spaß mit Siren, dem umfangreichen und portablen Umbenenner. Kostenlose Freeware. Immer auf dem USB-Stick dabei.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)

- String replacement
   "( "str1", "str2", i1, i2, cs )"

are parameters without an value (i.e empty) not allowed?!

i.e. if i wanna search case sensitive then

%b( "FinD","replace" , , ,1 ).%e
%b( "FinD","replace" ,1 , ,1 ).%e
is not enough

i have to use
%b( "FinD","replace" ,1,99,1 ).%e

(99 to find all)


Help wrote:

By default all occurrences are treated
and the search is case insensitive.

>By default all occurrences are treated
so ,,,1 must be enough for to search case sensitive, isn't it?

Maybe i have test the wrong way or not enough tested?
If not i wanna suggest to allow empty parameter but wrote comas only like ,,,1
If it not to many work to implement this!


While using Siren i need often the completion window to lard whats the right parameter.

It would be handy if we could dock (optional?) this completion window into the main window.
Just make an another hide-able window like the "thump nail Image Viewer" below.

But if this can be done in top, i.e. above of the 'file window' would be much better,
so it's nearer the expression box.

That way the completion window is quick by hand to lard and not in the way.

Right now i must open the completion window, insert an parameter,
press ESC to close the completion window to see whats happens, open the completion window,
search an other parameter,...

Would this be an improvement?


EDIT: i found the answers for this. Please see my edits below by the end

rplr wrote:

A shortcut that may interest you:
if you want to copy the filename currently highlighted (blue),
just type "Ctrl+I" (Ctrl + letter i).

Info for v1.90 users:

Crtl+i: inverts the selection in v1.90

"copy the filename currently highlighted" have no short cut in v1.90.
You can use "Copy pointed value" from context menu (right mouse click)

Crtl+Shift+P: Copies all selected filename to clipboard.

rplr wrote:

Another one that could be useful:
get the cursor column by pressing "Ctrl+P".

Ctrl+P copies all selected filename and future name to clipboard with column headers.
See for this too : http://scarabee.software.free.fr/forum/ … d=101#p101

now i found in the help
"Ctrl+P: displays the current cursor column in the status bar."

This would be an helper... is this function still there?
Because Ctrl+P execute in v1.90 an other feature.

I found it!
The sentence in the help " - During the writing of an expression:"
means execute this tips  while you are in the expression edit box! This means this box must have the focus. Just click in this box one time for that.

so Ctrl+I pressed  while you are in the expression edit box! inserts
the last pointed filename into this edit box.

And Ctrl+P pressed while you are in the expression edit box!
displays the current cursor column in the status bar.

And Ctrl+Space, F1 or right click must also be done while you are in the expression edit box!
to displays the completion window.

Sorry for confusions.

Sometimes we want to do renamings

which expressions
* is to long
* to complicated to understand

which must be done in more then one steps because
* we use place holders to mask some thing and must remove them later
* we get a new problem with this renaming result and must take an another step to adjust this

So i want to suggest an feature "Queue Renaming" or "Sequence Renaming":
e.g. by adding favorites to groups and execute this group (instead an single favorite)

or let's select more then one favorite from an new dialog (with Ctrl ?)
and execute this one after another in the sequence we selected them.

Just an suggestion.
What do you think? (Maybe we can discuses this in an chat channel? )


(2 replies, posted in How to ...)

Total Commander TCMD (called WCMD Windows Commander bevor)
is one of the best file mangers, see www.Ghisler.com for more.
(don't be scared about the look and the empty menu! you can modify every thing you want! see http://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.p … start=165)

TCMD is an tool for power users as Siren is also!
If you use Total Commander  you can integrate Siren to use it more easily . big_smile


To use Siren in TCMD ( to start Siren with the current folder seen in TCMD )
you should have an copy of Siren in an sub folder of the TCMD- plugin folder
like this: "C:\TotalCMD\Plugins\Siren\Siren.exe" (of course you can have Siren where you want, just edit the paths in my exambles  :-)

Then drag & drop the Siren.exe on the button bar from TCMD.
Then right click on this new button and edit the following parameters:

Command: %Commander_Path%\Plugins\Siren\Siren.exe
Parameter: "%N"
Start in: %Commander_Path%\Plugins\Siren\

%N is here an parameter from TCMD, press the F1-key on your keyboard while you
are in TotalCommander (or directly in the button-config-dialog) to read more.

%Commander_Path% is to make TCMD portable.
No matter if you start TCMD form C:\ or E:\ or USB-Stick, it works. (now it's better to have Siren in the plugins folder ;-)
But this is only needed if you use TCMD on different machines.

Now Siren starts with the current folder as seen in TCMD as working dir.


If you want to have the same files selected in Siren as in TCMD, you need some help.
You have to download an TCMD plugin, called List2str 1.20 from http://www.ghisler.com/dtools.htm ~25kB.
Unpack tis plugin into the Total Commander plugin folder. "C:\TotalCMD\Plugins\Lst2str\lst2str.exe"

Then drag & drop the lst2str.exe on the button bar from TCMD.
Then right click on this new button and edit the following parameters:

Command: "%Commander_Path%\Plugins\Lst2str\lst2str.exe"
Parameter: /X:..\Siren\Siren.exe "/L:%L" /C:65000
Start in: %Commander_Path%\Plugins\Siren\

/X: is an Lst2str parameter to tell what app is to execute.
..\Siren\ means "go one dir up from Lst2str-folder, and then into the Siren-folder"
/L: is an Lst2str parameter to tell what file(s) is to use
%L is an TCMD parameter which creates an fileslist from the selected files.

Now Siren starts with selecting the files as currently selected in TCMD too.

added /C:65000 to expand the command line length (see Lst2str readme).

Testet with ~600 files where 550 files are selected in TCMD.(1st selected, 2nd and 3th not selected,
4th selected, 5th and 6th not selected, 7th selected....and so on)

All 600 selected and un-selected files are given to Siren.
Siren shows all 600 files from that folder.

But Siren only marks the first 389 files as selected (depended on the file length?)
from 550 that are selected in TCMD ( ~ 4096kB/chars ? )

Maybe Siren has here an limit?
But what ever, this should be enough for daily work, isn't it? ;-)


Instead into an button you could put this infos also in the wincmd.ini
(or in the user.ini, in the new TCMD 7.0 only)
and give that user command an short cut to execute, e.g. press Shift+Ctrl+M to start Siren with the selected files.
Visit the Forum on www.ghisler.ch for more help.

Thanks for an great renaming tool rplr! big_smile

   For more details just download Siren at http://www.scarabee-software.net/en/siren.html and consult the help.
   No installation needed, unzip and run. Siren stores it settings into an ini file.   <Here> you can see some screen shots of Siren.
   Enjoy Siren, the powerfully portable freeware renamer.


(7 replies, posted in Comments)

Merry x-mas and a happy new year 2007
to  rplr, all Siren users and all others in the world.

Thank you for all your work in the last year.

Thanks for your answers!!!

>when you say "move" and "copy" you mean???
Oh , what have i written(think)?
Let's think together to make that clear:

MOVE is Rename to "future name"   to a new file   in a new location,  deleting the old file.
COPY is Rename to "future name"   to a new file   (here or on an other place)  and LEAVE the old file.
RENAME is rename and overwrite the old file.

"New file" binary format is depending to the new extension: *.exe, .*MP5, *.txt. (but this is standard, right?)


actually i have a new example:
copy to new file with: *_info.txt

Well it would be a "backup feature" to undo mistakes.


> You can already copy (Ctrl+P) the selected file list ...
>It can include the current and future names.

Ahh, there! Thanks.
I tried "Names only" only.
Why not include "future names" with Ctrl+Shift+P too? Have "names only" an other meaning?


(5 replies, posted in Evolution requests)

My last request "Log feature" implements the next feature request: rename from file list.


- have ten files selected
- load new names from a text file
- rename file 1 with the name in line 1
- rename file 2 with the name in line 2
- rename file 3 with the name in line 3
...      ....   ...
- rename file 10 with the name in line 10

Syntax of the text file maybe like:
old name:new name ===> rename 1:1 relation ship if 'old name' is found
old3 name:new3 name
next old name:next new name

new name ====> rename by position name1:line1, now mercy.
new3 name
next new name
:new name

What do you think.

How difficult is it to implement a simple log feature?

after i start to rename
and before Siren renames in real
it exports the original and the new names into an text file.

Old name:New name

Optionally enable this in Siren.ini:

Maybe check on program start the size of this log file and warn the user
or create for each day an new log (_Siren_20061214.log)

What do you think?

Tipp: control the amount of digits with %n(n)

FYI, i have explored the following hidden feature:

I have set in options >numbers: 6,1,1
Now if i use the expression %n(n) i can quick set the amount of the"zeros on the left".

This give me:
%n => 000001
%n(1) => 000001
%n(2) => 00001
%n(3) => 0001
%n(4) => 001
%n(5) => 01
%n(6) => 1

I think this comes from the "Substring extraction" feature.


Maybe it's an good idea to put this "Options>numbers"-setting
directly to the expression command like:

Or if this (,,) interacts with the "Substring extraction" feature:

HTH :-)

Thanks for the answer!

> For now the copy is not supported. Is it really useful ?

1) add e.g. .bak at the end of file name AND copy to an Backup folder

2) rename MP3 files (or prefix with number) AND copy to an export folder (e.g. USB-MP3-Player)

3) rename files to an sequence (file01.txt, file02.txt, ...) AND copy to %tmp%
     for to use in TotalCommander (Combine)

4) have a file for test issues, rename to other name with counter AND create copys
OR e.g.:
rename to File-<counter001>.vbs till File-<counter05>.vbs

5) i have e.g.

now i wanna rename this templates to e.g
AND create copies of them to leave the template files as template for the next project

6) ehm, i think you understand the endless power of your tool ;-)


Thanks for your feedback (and your work)

You are my hero!

Some help for your implementation:
- will you also support relative paths?

X:\MP4\New\BEATLES (New Album) - Song One.mp4
\\NewSubFolder_%b[1]\\%b[2]\\%b[1] - %b[3].%e
X:\MP4\New\NewSubFolder_BEATLES\(New Album)\BEATLES - Song One.mp4
Create a new SubFolder based on the first part of the file name and move the files there.


X:\MP4\New\Oldies\BEATLES (New Album) - Song One.mp4
..\\..\\NewSubFolder_%b[1]\\%b[2]\\%b[1] - %b[3].%e
X:\MP4\NewSubFolder_BEATLES\(New Album)\BEATLES - Song One.mp4
Go to folders up (Oldies + New) and create a new SubFolder in MP4 based on the first part of the file name.

- -

Second suggestion:
please support COPY here also, not only MOVing

Hi rplr,
thank you again for your very usefull tool and all your hard work!

I searched just the help for an feature i missed:
how can i create folders out of file names and copy/move files into them?


I have the file
BEATLES (New Album) - Song One.mp4

now i wanna move this file into a NEW folder structur with an syntax maybe like this:
E:\ {%b[1]} \ {%b[2]} \ %b[1] - %b[3].%e
[Rename] [Rename and move]

to get:
E:\BEATLES\(New Album)\BEATLES - Song One.mp4

Is this possible
or can you implement this please?

merry x-mas to all