sorry for the absence.

I tested version 3.00; i obtained almost exactly the same behaviour.
I said "almost" because there's a small difference: testing the directory
Y:\Foto\Foto 3\2007-12-25 Natale
the error returned was:
"Impossible to access to Y:\Foto\FMGOOT~O\2007-12-25 Natale"
instead of the previous:
"Impossible to access to Y:\Foto\FMGOOT~O\243Q4C~X"


Hi, thanks for the very prompt response!
Here are my replies:

- I tested, and it happens in both cases.
- In both cases, the pwd changes to the desired directory, without any message or error. Obviously, the path indication displayed in the prompt string matches the form used, i.e. when cd'ing with the short name, the short name is displayed and vice-versa.

I would tend to exclude access right issues, since I never had any on this directories, and I use them pretty currntly (obviously this doesn't mean that I can absolutely rule them out).
Hope this helps.

I just tested Siren v3.01 coming from version 2.00 (on Windows 7).

I wanted to let you know that I immediately got an error trying to access a path on a NAS storage unit (it is a QNAP TS-239, which uses SAMBA).

For instance, this path:
Y:\Foto\Foto 3\2007-12-25 Natale
returned the following error:
"Impossible to access to Y:\Foto\FMGOOT~O\243Q4C~X"

I thought it might depend on the presence of spaces in the name (sometimes I also use underscores, even as the first character), but following path also fails:
Y:\Foto\Immagini\Sfondi\background -> "Impossible to access to Y:\Foto\Immagini\Sfondi\BRG4XN~5".

Obviously I tried many other paths; most of them fail, and I haven't been able to find any connection with the name of the file being accessed (or maybe there are multiple reasons: spaces, filenames longer than 8 characters...).
It looks like there is an improper use of the short name for the file somewhere.

I never had similar problems with any other programs; even Siren 2.00 always functioned correctly.

Please tell me if there is any further test I can help you with.

Thanks for your efforts!