1 (edited by Stefan 2007-05-26 20:49:38)

Topic: Upper case first letter but don't lower all the rest

Standard with 'U' modifier

EXAMPLE:         important PRIO1 document NEW.txt
RESULT:          Important Prio1 Document New.txt

This mofier change all chars to lower and then  makes the very first char of each word upper.

But i didn't want all the rest lower since i have important "remarks" in the file name which should keep as they are.
So i use an (long) RegEx to find the very first letter in each word and make them upper only, leaving the rest letters in the word as they are.


Extended with RegEx
(Note: this is an first quickly try, YMMV, could be not guarantee correct results always)

EXAMPLE:         important PRIO1 document NEW.txt
EXPRESSION:   %b(s/\ba/A/g)(s/\bb/B/g)(s/\bc/C/g)(s/\bd/D/g)(s/\be/E/g)(s/\bf/F/g)(s/\bg/G/g)(s/\bh/H/g)

(Note: you have to join the three EXPRESSION lines  into one very long line)

Result :   Important PRIO1 Document NEW.txt    (as expected)


Extended with improved  RegEx
(Note: this is an first quickly try, YMMV, could be not guarantee correct results always)

To shorten the long EXPRESSION
i try to find an short RegEx like
%b( s/ \b ([a-z]) /  \U \1  /g)

%b         Siren:     modifier to refer to the base of the file name
s/           RegEx:   search
\b           RegEx:  modifier to find the word boundary
( ...)       RegEx:   group that what you search for into an group you can back reference to later
[a-z]      RegEx:   the POSIX group of all lower case chars: a,b,c,d,e,f....x,y,z
/            RegEx:   set the 'replace with' apart from the 'search for'
\U          RegEx:   All (first char only, i think ) Chars Upper Case
\1          RegEx:   back reference to group number one
/g          RegEx:   search 'global'  instead of the first occurrence only

EXAMPLE:         important PRIO1 document NEW.txt
EXPRESSION:   %b(s/\b([a-z])/\U\1/g)
RESULT:           Important PRIO1 Document NEW.txt

Thanks to Boost for the fine Regular Expression Engine.  => http://scarabee.software.free.fr/forum/ … php?id=131
Thanks to rplr  for making such an great renamer.


                                             Siren is a freeware file renaming program
                                               - portable, highly flexible, powerfully -
                                          If it's looking tricky it's easy to rename with Siren.
