1 (edited by mdes 2012-08-18 18:29:14)

Topic: Siren.ini file location


Under Windows 7, the options file is not in the program folder as stated in the help FAQ ("Récupérer les favoris"), but in "%AppData%\..\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Siren\".


2 (edited by Stefan 2012-08-20 18:15:09)

Re: Siren.ini file location

>>Under Windows 7, the options file is not in the program folder

Sure it is!
If you store it under ProgramFiles and have UAC turned on
there may be some issue you have to understand if you work with WindowsTM.
If you store it outside of ProgramFiles there will be no issue at all.

>>but in "%AppData%\..\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Siren\".

That is an Win7 feature if you have enabled UAC.
Since it doesn't allow write access on ProgramFiles
it redirects access to such an folder under ProgramFiles
to an place the user have write access,
that is VirtualStore folder in the user profile folder.

Win7 lies to you and the application too.
Both you think the ini file is under ProgramFiles\Siren
but Windows have redirected it in the back ground for you for security reasons.

If you understood windows you can give the user group "USERS"
MODIFY-right on the program folder "Siren" under ProgramFiles
and the INI will be written to the folder where the Siren.exe is again.
(You may want to copy the ini from VirtualStore if you need your old settings)

But normally one would store his portable tools anyway on an other partitions
e.g. in an folder "F:\Tools". There they remain even if you have to reinstall windows on C:-Partition.

Re: Siren.ini file location

I was not aware of this ... (my main Windows test machine is under XP).

Thanks a lot for this information Stefan.

Re: Siren.ini file location

OK, then some more info about that issue.
Since i am not good into english, i provide a few google results.

1.) User Account Control Data Redirection


UAC Virtualization

By default, UAC virtualizes requests for protected resources to provide compatibility
with applications not developed for UAC.
This is important because many applications written for Windows XP and earlier operating systems
assume that the user has administrative privileges and attempt to write to protected resources
such as the Program Files or System folders.

UAC virtualization redirects requests for the following resources to safer, user-specific locations:

    * %Program Files%
    * %WinDir%
    * %WinDir%\System32

When a user process attempts to add a file to a protected folder,
UAC redirects the request to the \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ folder in the user's profile.

For example, if a user named MyUser runs an application that stores a log file
at C:\Program Files\MyApps\Logs\Log.txt, the file write attempt will succeed.

However, UAC will actually store the file
at C:\Users\MyUser \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\MyApps\Logs\Log.txt.

The application will be able to access the file at C:\Program Files\MyApps\Logs\Log.txt,
but the user will need to browse to her profile to access the file directly, because virtualization
affects only the application process itself. In other words, if the user browses to open the log file
from within the application, it will appear to be under %Program Files%.

If the user browses to open the log file using a Windows Explorer window, it will be under her profile.

from: http://sourcedaddy.com/windows-7/ … ation.html

there is also an 32-bit redirection on 64-bit Win7
* Registry Redirector
* File System Redirector

Running 32-bit Applications

WOW64 is the x86 emulator that allows 32-bit Windows-based applications to run seamlessly on 64-bit Windows.
WOW64 is provided with the operating system and does not have to be explicitly enabled.

The system isolates 32-bit applications from 64-bit applications, which includes preventing file and registry collisions.

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library … v=vs.85%29