Topic: Change the order of the rename File List


First of all thank you for the Siren Program.....
My question is about how to sort the File List.
Let's say I have three files in the file list named 1, 2 and 3.
The order in which I want to rename them is 3,1,2.
How do I manage this within Siren?
Thanks in advance.......

Re: Change the order of the rename File List

Hello and welcome !

I assume you want to exchange some file names.
The solution will need more than one step.
Here are two of them.

  1. Select the files (click their checkboxes) following the order : 1, 2, 3

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to copy original names to the clipboard.
    To keep a backup maybe can you paste the clipboard content into a text editor like Notepad. 

  3. Temporary rename the files to avoid collisions :
    Enter the expression : _%f
    Press Enter
    Click the rename button (or Ctrt+R)
    The files have been renamed : _1, _2, _3

  4. Unselect all the files :
    Click the "Unselect all files" button (or Ctrl+D)

  5. Enter the new expression : %C
    We will use the clipboard lines as new names

  6. Select the files (click their checkboxes) following the new order : _3, _1, _2

  7. Click the rename button (or Ctrt+R)

The work should be done

Another solution (maybe more versatile) could be :

  1. Select the files (click their checkboxes) following the order : 1, 2, 3

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to copy original names to the clipboard.
    Paste the clipboard content into a text editor like Notepad.

  3. Temporary rename the files to avoid collisions (cf hereupper)

  4. In the text editor, change the order of the lines to match the new namings you want for the files
    Once done copy all the lines to the clipboard

  5. Enter the new expression : %C
    Press Enter

  6. Click the rename button (or Ctrt+R)

Hope this will help

Re: Change the order of the rename File List

reviewing wrote:

My question is about how to sort the File List.

To sort the files in the file list view in an different order then by the starting chars of the file name,

you may want to read that how-to's

How to ...  → Advantage sorting

How to ...  → I want to sort by the fifth letter of the name

HTH?  smile

Re: Change the order of the rename File List

It seems our newest friend has lost the interest?

Re: Change the order of the rename File List


I am glad you didn't !