daffdaemon, if you want you can do that even now yourself by utilizing a DOS batch, like
REM SirenLauncher, v00.1, 2015-11-09
REM Create a backup of the Siren.INI file, then launch Siren.EXE
CD %~dp0
if exist Siren.ini.9 DEL Siren.ini.9
if exist Siren.ini.8 REN Siren.ini.8 Siren.ini.9
if exist Siren.ini.7 REN Siren.ini.7 Siren.ini.8
if exist Siren.ini.6 REN Siren.ini.6 Siren.ini.7
if exist Siren.ini.5 REN Siren.ini.5 Siren.ini.6
if exist Siren.ini.4 REN Siren.ini.4 Siren.ini.5
if exist Siren.ini.3 REN Siren.ini.3 Siren.ini.4
if exist Siren.ini.2 REN Siren.ini.2 Siren.ini.3
if exist Siren.ini.1 REN Siren.ini.1 Siren.ini.2
if exist Siren.ini COPY Siren.ini Siren.ini.1
START "" Siren.exe
This will save the current ini before launching Siren, and also rename the older one to keep them a little bit longer.
We could do it at the end too, but then we had to keep that DOS-window open,....
on the other hand, we could use a AHK script which could run in background.