Topic: Filter Fail
Filter this list of files:
20031113 - Artist1; Artist3 - Album21.jpg
20041021 - Artist2; Artist3 - Album01.jpg
20041103 - Artist3; Artist1 - Album02.jpg
20041109 - Artist3; Artist1 - Album03.jpg
20050228 - Artist1; Artist2; Artist3 - Album10.jpg
*Artist1* gives me 4 files
*Artist2* gives me 2 files
*Artist3; Artist1* gives me 0 files
The semicolon is causing the filter to fail
If I remove it:
*Artist3 Artist1* gives 2 files
Filter also fails with subdirectories loaded.
If the list is a list of folders:
20031113 - Artist1; Artist3 - Album21
20041021 - Artist2; Artist3 - Album01
20041103 - Artist3; Artist1 - Album02
20041109 - Artist3; Artist1 - Album03
20050228 - Artist1; Artist2; Artist3 - Album10
Each folder contains 1 file like the folder name with .jpg extension and many other files with simply numbered filenames.
*Artist1* gives all files in 4 folders
*Artist1*\*Artist1* gives 0 files
Ah, Got it!!
*Artist1*\\*Artist1* gives 1 file from each of 4 different folders.
But *Artist3; Artist1*\\*Artist3; Artist1* still gives 0 files