Topic: How-to Remove Symbols !#$()+,-;=@[]_{}~ ?
Q: How can i best remove symbols like '!' and '#' from file name?
Test File 1! 2# 3$ 4( 5) 6+ 7, 8- 9. 0; 1= 2@ 3] 4_ 5{ 6} 7~.txt
Test File 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.txt
A: You can utilize "File > Preferences > Characters"
There is an option to remove certain signs: "!#$()+,-;=@[]_{}~" (Just enter your wanted signs in the box)
or to replace them by other signs: "!#$()+,-;=@[]_{}~" > "_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_" (Note: both list must be same length)
Note: as expression still use "%b.%e"
(or "%f", it is shorter)
For to remove only a few symbols, like '#()' only
e.g. TO: Test File 1! 2_ 3$ 4_ 5_ 6+ 7, 8- 9. 0; 1= 2@ 3] 4_ 5{ 6} 7~.txt
you can also use a concatenation of String modifier "( )" as String replacement
Expression: %f("#","_")("(","_")(")","_")
or a concatenation of String modifier "( )" as String replacement with RegEx
Expression: %f(s/[#\(\)]/_/g)