Topic: Replace the '.' (dots) with ' ' (spaces)
Replace the '.' (dots) with ' ' (spaces)
My preferred movie.avi
Use the expression:
%b("."," ").%e
How does it work ?
Here, we use the replacement modifier with two parameters, the string to replace and the replacement string.
We want to substitute all the '.' with ' ',
so the first will be "." and the second " "
We apply this modifier on "%b" which is the base name (file name without extension).
Applying it on "%f" (full name), we would have replaced the '.' just before the extension too.
%e, the file extension is "avi"
So, following the expression:
%b gives "" [this is the original name without the extension]
%b("."," ") gives "My preferred movie" [we have replaced the dots with blanks. Because of the 'b' we work on the 'base name' only]
%b("."," "). gives "My preferred movie." [we add an dot to the base name to set the extension apart]
%b("."," ").%e gives "My preferred movie.avi" [we add now the original extension too]
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