1 (edited by Stefan 2007-12-23 23:04:08)

Topic: Some Links to Help about Regular Expressions , RegEx

Siren itself use the Boost.Regex engine.
Read more about here
Boost.Regex Perl Regular Expression Syntax and the format string

Here are some help in general about Regular Expressions:

Regular Expression HOWTO A.M. Kuchling

Perl Regular Expression Tutorial

A nice one sheet overview about the syntax (PDF file)

http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/services/ … regex.html



blogging community devoted to the topic of regular expressions

dead ==> Starmerj's Perl RegExp Crib Sheet

PDF: RegEx QuickSheet

Something in german:

Reguläre Ausdrücke in The Bat!     auf Deutsch

nicht wissenschaftlicher Workshop für Regular Expressions

Online test:
Excellent RegEx evaluator, useful for RegEx's that'll run in JavaScript.

An very minimalist online Ajax-based ASP.NET site


Re: Some Links to Help about Regular Expressions , RegEx

Pretty prompt! Thanks again! Most of these are one-page docs. Strikes me that regex is something short but time consuming to master.

Btw, Starmerj's Perl RegExp Crib Sheet (http://www.itlab.musc.edu/docs/perl_regexp/) is dead.