Topic: I want to delete beginning numbers
Q: I have many MP3 files with leading track numbers like:
002 - Artist 2 - Song 4.mp3
3 Artist Song.mp3
A: Because you have used a few different syntax how you add the track numbers .... I would use the power of regular expressions:
002 - Artist 2 - Song 4.mp3
3 Artist Song.mp3
EXPRESSION: %f(s/(\d+)\s*-*\s*(.+)/$2/)
artist 2 - song 4.mp3
artist song.mp3
%f(s/(\d+)\s*-*\s*(.+)/$2/) ==> %f( s/ (\d+) \s* -* \s* (.+) /$2/ )
%f is the hole file name
(s///) is the frame of an reg ex search and replace
(s/ is the start of the reg ex
(...) is an group. We can refer back to what we have found in this group
(\d+) \d means find an digit, .... + means find one or more of this, (...) means group what we have found, this is our back reference No. 1
\s* \s means find an blank/space,.... * means find none or more
-* - means find an dash -,.... * means find none or more
\s* \s means find an blank/space,.... * means find none or more
(.+) . means find any char or sign,...+ means find one or more of this, (...) means group what we have found, this is our back reference No. 2
/ / means to end the reg ex search and start witht the replacement
$2 $2 means give back what we have found in our second group
/) /) means this is the end of our journey
OK, a little reg ex explanation:
* means find none or more ==> means the RegEx match (is true) if the character is found... or not.
1 A-S
RegEx: \d-*(.+) find both because we look for an digit followed by an dash or no dash.
+ means find one or more ==> means the RegEx match (is true) if at least one character is found
1 A-S
RegEx: \d-+(.+) find the first only because we must find at least one occurrence
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