Topic: multiple Rename/Copy with one batch rename ??

Hello ...

i take a lot of digital photo's and i use siren as the best renaming tool sofar .... its simple and brilliant at the same time ... yet sophisticated for the advanced user

well the point is my skill's didnt do the trick .... so now i have to beg for a little help

in siren i have created a favorite looking like this : Name NEF_ALFA =      D:\\NEF_ALFA\\%Xdo{"%Y\\%m\\%d"}\\%Xdo%XSo.%e
and a second one called                                    :  Name NEF_BRAVO =  D:\\NEF_BRAVO\\%Xdo{"%Y\\%m\\%d"}\\%Xdo%XSo.%e

they both rename *.jpg;*nef  files on my cameracard i the directory root/DCIM/100D200   ( in reality XXXD200  XXX = 100-999)

siren.exe and siren.ini are both placed on the card at the root

Both favorites should be a copy function so they copy/rename all the images on the card to the two seperate directories on the D:\ drive

so all in need now is to figure out how the heck the batch file should be like ....

i have tried some but cant make it work .... help please

my guess is it should be fairly simple
perhaps with a pause before copying just to make sure
or more advanced with a search for D:\ drive before copy ( without any asking ... )

thank you

all the best from Kristian Thomsen

Re: multiple Rename/Copy with one batch rename ??

Hello Kristian,

LaKrizzen wrote:

i take a lot of digital photo's and i use siren as the best renaming tool sofar .... its simple and brilliant at the same time ... yet sophisticated for the advanced user

Thanks !

LaKrizzen wrote:

so all in need now is to figure out how the heck the batch file should be like ....

I know the command line usage is a bit tricky ...

Here is what I've understood of your needs:
You want to copy (or rename) files from a specific directory of your card to a specific directory of your hard disk.

I don't know how exactly the ".bat" will be started.
I'll suppose there is the ".bat" in the directory "root/DCIM/100D200" with the files.

Here is an example of a command line you can use:

\Siren /D "." /S "*.jpg;*.nef" /A NEF_ALPHA /P /C /Q

/D "." : means you want to set Siren's current working to the local one. Else it will the last used one
/S "*.jpg;*.nef" : means you want to select all jpg and nef files
/A NEF_ALPHA : means you want to use the expression associated to the favorite named "NEF_ALPHA"
/P : means you don't want to save the changes done in the user interface into the ".ini" file (current directory, expression ...)
/C : means you want to execute a copy. Replace this with /R to do a rename
/Q : means you want to quit after the copy (or rename) has been done

If an error occurs (D disk not available, for example) an error message will be displayed and the Siren will wait for you to click the "OK" button.
Exactly what happens in interactive mode (!= batch).

If your ".bat" file contains more than the Siren call I encourage you to add "start /wait" in front of Siren call line:

start /wait \Siren /D "." /S "*.jpg;*.nef" /A NEF_ALPHA /P /C /Q

So, you'll be sure that the line after this one will be executed once Siren has completely done its work.

I hope this will help.

