Topic: How to get random string length?

Just as an idea.

While testing %Rn

i am wondering how to generate random string/filename length?

For example:
%Ra{3,4} to get minimum three and maximum four  chars?

Or more general something like:
%b( 1,  %Rn{2} ).%e
%Rs{99}( 1,  %Rn{2} ).%e

Re: How to get random string length?


I'm not sure to understand what you mean with %Ra{3,4}.

The idea of using variable as parameter in expressions comes and goes.
I'll have a closer look at it.

Thanks for the suggestions and your "How to"s.

Re: How to get random string length?

Rémi wrote:

I'm not sure to understand what you mean with %Ra{3,4}.

I was thinking on the regex matching parameter .{min,max}
Like that matching minimum min and maximum max signs,
%Ra{min,max} would randomly give back min to max signs.

Just to have even more randomness.

would give something like

But this logic would maybe better fit to an extra "String extraction substr : ( p, n ) "
with variable parameters for an general use, not only for %R.

But only if you see the use and the time to code this. This was only something i missed from my tests.

Re: How to get random string length?


This evolution (variables as parameters) has been added in the last build (805).
I hope it will correspond to what you expected.
