Maybe DOS Batch to the aid?
What do you think Rémi? Would that work?
WARNING: this will only work (if then) to change the case of the folder names.
If you would change parts of the name, the path to the sub-folder would not be valid anymore.
We had to modify from the deepest sub-folder to the top folder then.
Should be doable too by reversing the list, but that trick i will only provide if it would work anyway at first :-)
What i had in mind was:
* go to the folder
* get the list of sub-folders:
X:\folder>dir /AD /B /S > Folders.txt
or for english windows
X:\folder>dir /AO /B /S > Folders.txt
(In an DOS-Box use "DIR /?" for an help)
* For Each Folder in Folders.txt run an test:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %D IN ('type Folders.txt') DO @ECHO "%D"
or in an Batch use double %s:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%D IN ('type Folders.txt') DO @ECHO "%%D"
This should echo the whole path of the sub-folders incl. quotes.
Another example btw:
Use %~nD to only see the name-part of the sub-folders. for example.
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%D IN ('type Folders.txt') DO @ECHO %%~nD
(In an DOS-Box use "FOR /?" for an help)
* if it works try it with Siren:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%D IN ('type Folders.txt') DO ( your Siren command line, "%%D" will insert one folder name after the other in each loop...
umm, an batch again. .... i should really switch to powershell ;-)
Or we can do this by an VBS or JS script...