Can you please mail me your "siren.ini" file ?
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Scarabée Software: Forum → Posts by Rémi
Can you please mail me your "siren.ini" file ?
To try to correct this bug I need to be able to reproduce it.
Please, give me the information to make it happen on my machine.
It may only happen because of the juncture of many details.
Juste deux questions :
1) Pourquoi ne pas monter le disque ton NAS sur ton PC et y utiliser Siren ?
2) As-tu essaye d'extraire "siren" du ".tar.gz" 32 ou 64 bits et de le lancer sur ton NAS ?
Bonjour et bienvenue,
Je n'ai jamais "joué" avec une machine de ce type et je n'ai aucune idée de ses contraintes de développement.
Dans le pire des cas Siren étant en licence GPL v3, rien n’empêche qui que ce soit de le porter sur la plateforme de son choix.
Normalement si la librairie wxWidgets est compatible alors Siren devrait l’être.
Ce ne sera sans doute pas trivial mais je suis prêt à aider dans la mesure de mes moyens.
Merci de ton intérêt pour ce petit soft.
About the forum, a workaround has been posted and I have applied it.
I am not sure if it works correctly.
Let me know if this issue is always present.
And Siren sees "System" attribute as "Hidden".
This explains that.
Can you please run the following and share the output ? :
- Open a "cmd" command, go to the the directory "E:\Users\Michel\Documents" and run the command :
attrib "Mes sites Web"
- In Siren "Preferences/Columns" check the "Attributes" column then list the content of "E:\Users\Michel\Documents". The "Attributes" column should be displayed.
Regarding the forum problems, I know it is far from perfect, it has some issues but it is solid, light and fast. Let me know if you have a better option.
Best regards
Hello Michel,
A directory cannot be accessed if :
- it is not "readable" from a operating system point of view
- it has "hidden" in its attributes and "List hidden directories and files" ("Affichage des répertoires et des fichiers cachés") is not checked in "Preferences/Display"
Can you check these points ?
Here is what klod06 has in its hands :
Files named "SnapchatXXX.mp4" where XXX is a three digits number
A text file, named "Renommage.txt", which lines contain the new names of the "SnapchatXXX.mp4" files. The order of the lines corresponds to the one of the files in Siren. For example, the new name of "Snapchat001.mp4" is in the first line of the "Renommage.txt" file : "2017-04-18_09-14-03_Huawei P9 lite_Snapchat"
Here is the renaming sequence that solved his issue :
In Siren, sort the files on their names
Select them by clicking on their check boxes or use a key sequence like "Ctrl+A". The "Sel" column now contains a number corresponding to the selection order
Use the following renaming expression (supposing that the "Renommage.txt" file is in "C:" root) : %T{"C:\\Renommage.txt"}.%e
(The backslash is voluntarily doubled)
Here is what Siren will do :
Load "C:\Renommage.txt" in memory
Following the selection order : replace '%T{"C:\\Renommage.txt"}' with the corresponding line
Add to this a dot "." and the extension of the file it is currently working on
The only renaming task is to press the toolbar button with a standard "play" image.
Note : Sorry for my poor frenglish
Bonjour et bienvenue sur ce forum,
Si je comprends, voila ce dont tu disposes (je me permets de te tutoyer) :
Une liste de fichiers "SnapchatXXX.mp4" ou XXX correspond a un numero sur trois chiffres
Un fichier texte dont chaque ligne correspond au nouveau nom de chaque "SnapchatXXX.mp4". L'ordre des lignes correspond a celui des fichiers. Par exemple, le nouveau nom de "Snapchat001.mp4" est contenu dans la premiere ligne du fichier "Renommage.txt" : "2017-04-18_09-14-03_Huawei P9 lite_Snapchat"
Si tel est le cas, le renommage ne devrait pas poser de probleme :
Dans Siren, trie les fichiers sur leur nom
Selectionne les en cliquant sur leur case a cocher ou utilise une sequence de touche comme "Ctrl+A". Tu noteras que la colonne "Sel" contient un numero correspondant a l'ordre de selection
Utilise l'expression de renommage suivante (en supposant que le fichier de "Renommage.txt" soit a la racine de "C:") : %T{"C:\\Renommage.txt"}.%e
(Le backslash est volontairement double)
Ce que va effectuer Siren :
Charger "C:\Renommage.txt" en memoire
En suivant l'ordre de selection : remplacer '%T{"C:\\Renommage.txt"}' par la ligne correspondante
Ajouter a cette valeur un point "." et l'extension du fichier qu'il est en train de traiter
Si le resultat qui apparait dans les colonnes "Nouveau Nom" te convient lance le renommage en cliquant sur le bouton qui a une apparence de touche "Lecture".
J'espere t'avoir aide. N'hesite surtout pas a poser des questions.
(Si une solution est trouvee je la traduirai en anglais)
Il existe un modificateur charge de "des-accentuer" les caracteres : @
Comme les autres modificateurs il se place entre le '%' et le "nom" de la variable. Par exemple : %@b_%n.%e
Compte tenu de la longueur de ton expression de renommage le plus simple est sans doute d'effectuer une conversion globale dans une sous-expression supplementaire (%@f) plutot que de rajouter un '@' a chaque variable :
Dans ton cas cela donne :
Pour plus de details tu peux te reporter a l'aide et consulter le chapitre "Expression" partie "Modificateurs".
En esperant t'avoir aide,
These files formats are not supported yet. Maybe in a next version.
Hello Michel,
I am not a regular expression specialist but looking at what you wanted to do I noticed that you didn't set any "anchor" : ^ or $.
All looks fine when you change your expression to :
Maybe this could be related to "wxRegexp" regular expression implementation or to the parameters set by Siren when using them.
You can find details there.
Note that Siren uses the advanced regular expressions (ARE) implementation (wxRE_ADVANCED).
Hello Stefan,
As you can see in this forum I have added a new software on which I have worked during 2016.
I needed to let Siren live its life for a moment. I needed some fresh air, try new things that might finally come back to it.
I wish you and all the ones wandering here the very best for 2017.
I wrote about MediaInfo because I thought luweitest was using it. After rereading his post I realize that maybe I was wrong ...
ExifTool is a very good library/tool I sometimes use as a standalone program.
But linking it with Siren would be a huge task.
In general I don't like to use third party libraries even if I have made
compromises with boost and wxWidgets.
On my machine it seems that MediaInfo treats the files alphabetically.
If it is not the case on yours maybe can you try use "for" to do it :
for %f in (*.mp4) do MediaInfo --Inform="General;%Encoded_Date%" %f >> MIED.txt
If Siren doesn't show them in the same order try to uncheck "Natural sort" in Preferences/Display.
To create one file per video you can use "for" too.
First create a directory to store them. For example "MIED". Then execute :
for %f in (*.mp4) do MediaInfo --Inform="General;%Encoded_Date%" %f > MIED\%f
Then use an expression like : MIED\\%f;%T1{%fc}
Download the CLI package from MediaInfo main site and use it in a cmd window like this :
MediaInfo --Inform="Video;%Encoded_Date%" MYVIDEO.mp4
Using output redirection you can easily generate the file(s).
Maybe creating one metadata file per video could be easier to manage and use.
I have received the small mp4 file.
Based on what I understand these dates are extracted from the video/audio frames and Siren doesn't parse them.
On way to use one of them in Siren could be to extract them with MediaInfo to one or more files and then use the "%T" variable.
Sorry for not being very helpful.
I have to say that Siren metadata extraction capabilities are far less powerful than MediaInfo ones.
The result you have would not surprise me.
I will try to have a look at this video. Please send it to the "Remarks and suggestions" email address you can find in Siren's "About" window.
If the attached file is over 10 MB then extract only its beginning by right-clicking it in Siren and choose the "File content extraction (debug)" option, 1 MB should be enough.
Give me any information regarding its origin and modifications done to it.
I am not sure to understand your needs here.
What are the paired files if any ?
Can you give us what you have on input and what you expect on output ?
PS : Thanks to Stefan for the third way to solve the previous issue
Hello and welcome,
%f[2] : extracts the second array/string element. The default separator is '-' (dash) and this is what causes trouble here.
With the expression you are using : %e-LiteralText-%nc.%e;%f[2]
%f[2] will always give the second string element : LiteralText
I see two ways to solve this :
1) Change the separator
For example lets use '@' in place of the default '-'.
This expression should be ok : %e@LiteralText-%nc.%e;%f[2,"@"]
The first '-' is replaced by '@' : %e@LiteralText
In the second sub-expression, the '@' is specified as separator : %f[2,"@"]
2) Change the extraction
Using the default separator, with the expression : %e-LiteralText-%nc.%e
in fact what we are interested in are the two last elements : LiteralText-%nc.%e
This can be specified by slightly changing the second sub-expression : %f[-2,0]
The extraction is done starting 2 elements from the end (-2) until the end (0).
So, this expression should be ok : %e-LiteralText-%nc.%e;%f[-2,0]
You can see details about this "[]" modifier in the help : Expression/Modifiers/String modifier : "[ ]"
Hoping this will help.
Hello and welcome to this forum,
1) To extract lines from the treated file you can use : %T{%f} or %T{%fc} (depending on the complexity of the renaming expression).
This is rapidly explained in the help : Expression/Advanced features/Variables as parameters.
2) Here is what I understand : the first line of each file contains text which may include the word "gold". You want only the text before it.
You can achieve with the following expression : %T1{%f}(s/ *\ygold\y.*$//)
Here is how it works :
%T1{%f} will extract the first line of the currently treated file
(s/ *\ygold\y.*$//) is a regular expression modifier that will remove the text starting by the "gold" word (golden won't make it)
I hope this will help you. Do not hesitate to ask for more explanation.
Sorry for my late reply.
%Xdo is an Exif date/time information. It might be present only in images.
%Vn can be present in video tags only if the software that created the movie is intended to.
If you want an universal date/time you should use "%dm" which is the date/time associated to the image/video file itself. It is the one generally shown by the file manager.
It can be the same as the one when the image/video was taken but may have been changed during the transfer/copy process.
Sorry for my late reply.
Hello and Welcome,
It is difficult to help you based on so little information.
Here are some of a few we need, at least :
Where are located the files you want to rename : pc, phone ?
What is the expression you are using ?
Do you select the "mov" files too ?
Is the "New name" column filled for all the files you want to rename ?
Can you give us examples of file names ?
etc. etc.
Try to give as much details as possible.
Welcome to this forum,
What you do is correct except for one detail : the backslash is a special character (See help : Expression/Advanced features/Escape character) : it makes loose the following character its special meaning, if any. This is generally called "escaping".
In "%Xso("\", "_")", the backslash ('\') escapes the following '"'. To be interpreted as a standard character, '\' has to loose its special status and therefore must be preceded by another '\' : it has to be doubled.
To get what you need just use : "%Xso("\\", "_")"
Maybe the help should be clearer about this point.
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