You're right. For me "Names only" was meaning "Only the current file names" ...
I'll change this.
Why only the "current names" ?
Because it can be handy to copy some file names in a directory and paste them somewhere else.
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You're right. For me "Names only" was meaning "Only the current file names" ...
I'll change this.
Why only the "current names" ?
Because it can be handy to copy some file names in a directory and paste them somewhere else.
Maybe would it be more "readable" if you use a negative start for the substring extraction:
%n(-1) => 1
%n(-2) => 01
%n(-3) => 001
The possibility to specify "%n" parameters directly in the expression will be in the 2.00.
Best regards.
Slow down ... you are making me "reveal" many new features of the 2.00. ;-)
It will be possible to get lines from text files and use them in the rename expression.
You can already copy (Ctrl+P) the selected file list and paste it somewhere. It can include the current and future names.
Making this feature automatic ... i am not sure ... nobody asked me for this and personally i've never needed it.
In your example, when you say "move" and "copy" you mean "move" or "copy with the future name", right ?
I'll have a look at the "copy" feature.
Maybe won't it be in the 2.00
Best regards.
As long as the "computed" name is a valid path+file name, all should be fine.
Non existing folders are created.
For now the copy is not supported. Is it really useful ?
Best regards
Hello Stefan,
This feature (move) will be present in the next release.
Based on your example, the expression will look like this:
E:\\%b[1]\\%b[2]\\%b[1] - %b[3].%e
Best regards
I don't think that changing "%nc" and "%ncs" behaviours would be a good idea.
I understand your needs but the way they currently work seems more useful to a standard utilization.
Maybe could it be possible to add two more variables to handle the case.
I'll think to it for the next version.
Thanks for your suggestion.
This feature will be present in the next release. It will be possible to add/substract an integer value to a "%Nx" variable.
in case you decide to implement my suggestion, you may want to start renaming from the bottom with
positive offsets and the reverse with negative ones, to avoid conflicts.
As the renamings are done following the selection order (Sel column), i will let the user handle this (reverse file order and select).
Sorry to intrude on your time, an again thanks for the great program.
You're welcome
Thanks for your message.
If there is a problem, it is a misunderstanding. I must admit that the help/documentation is perhaps a bit short on this point...
%nc : the selection number relative to a name "collision"
(same beginnings)
"%ncs" is computed the same way as "%nc".
The important part here is: "(same beginnings)".
It means that "%nc", and "%ncs", are computed based on the text found before them.
For a given file, "%ncs" value is incremented as many times as a file with a lower selection number has a "Future name" beginning with the same character sequence. In your example, the result of "%Xdt_%XSt".
The expression part after "%ncs" is not taken into account.
In your example, the extension (%le) is not part of its computation.
This may sound strange but it's the way i have chosen to do it.
For your rename operation, the solution can be to do it in two steps: first the "nef"s and then the "jpg"s.
(Ctrl+S or the menu option "Select/Sel with filter" can be useful)
I hope this little text has filled the documentation lacks.
This can be done with standard modifiers too.
The next version will have a date formating feature (it is already done).
I don't know which Siren's version you're using but this feature has been implemented in the 1.80.
If not already done, download the last release and have a look at "Command line" in the "?" menu.
All comments appreciated.
Il n'est pas possible d'effectuer d'operations arithmetiques.
Sans connaitre exactement vos besoins, il est peut-etre possible de realiser ce que vous souhaitez.
Apres avoir modifie les parametres de taille et de valeur de depart du numero de selection dans les options (Options/Nombres),
l'expression "IMG%n.%e" peut eventuellement vous donner le resultat attendu.
Desole de ne pouvoir faire mieux.
For this kind of task i use the excellent Exifer.
Select the files and go to "Exif/IPTC", "Edit", "Exif data" and "Date".
Exifer has rename capabilities too.
Based on your previous posts i think it can fulfill your needs.
First, thanks for the compliments !
Then, a question: if the exif dates are "wrong", why don't you modify them ?
That way you'll keep the coherence of your renaming shema.
As you surely noticed, a right-click will make the completion window appear.
To paste the clipboard in the expression edit box, put the cursor in it and type "Ctrl+V".
A shortcut that may interest you: if you want to copy the filename currently highlighted (blue), just type "Ctrl+I" (Ctrl + letter i).
Another one that could be useful: get the cursor column by pressing "Ctrl+P".
I am not sure to understand.
You want to ? :
- Copy some text into the "Expression" edit box and use it as fixed text
- Use a clipboard text line through a variable
- Something else ?
Many thanks to the testers for their precious help: Alexandre, Anne, Patrick, Michel and Peter
A special thank to Emmanuel for his support.
Sur mon site j'en cite trois: The Rename, LupasRename et Renomme.
Je ne sais pas s'ils gèrent cette fonctionnalité en particulier mais ce sont de très bons outils.
Sinon consultez des sites spécialisés comme Snapfiles, Nonags, Clubic ...
Concernant les délais, sachant que je travaille sur cet outil quand j'en ai le temps, je serais bien incapable de donner la moindre date.
Une autre alternative serait peut-être de vous tourner vers des outils payants.
L'ajout de cette fonctionnalité est prévu ... mais ce ne sera pas pour tout de suite (la 1.90 ne l'aura pas).
Merci pour cette suggestion.
Merci !
Siren travaille comme un explorateur de fichiers.
Vous ne pouvez agir simultanément sur plusieurs répertoires que si vous passez en mode "récursif".
C'est à dire traiter toute l'arborescence associée à un répertoire: tous ses fichiers et tous ceux de tous ses sous répertoires.
Pour cela positionnez-vous sur le répertoire à partir duquel vous voulez faire vos renommages (le répertoire "racine") et activez l'option "Charger sous répertoires" du menu "Fichier".
A partir de là vous pouvez travailler normalement: sélection, renommage ... etc ...
J'espère avoir compris votre demande.
Welcome to this new forum.
The previous one has been hacked ... all registrations and posts have been lost. Sorry.
I hope that your contributions will participate to Siren's improvement.
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