(2 replies, posted in Evolution requests)


Sorry but I don't think I'll add this in the 3.00 version.
Maybe later.



(2 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)

The modifications have been added to the last build (837) :
- Bug right click on value in the file list
- A new preference has been added to specify a format for dates displayed in the file list
(Preferences/Display/Date format in the file list)

I hope this will correspond to what you expected

The modifications have been added to the last build (837) :
- Two/Three toolbars
- Show/Hide status bar

Another option that should be present in the next build will be to hide the status bar offering a bit more space if needed

It seems to me that the "Display" menu is meant to manage the main window layout.
The interface will be rebuilt "on the fly".

This modification should be present in the next release.



(2 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)


Thanks for giving feedback about the GNU/Linux version ! (You're the first one).

The date/time format used by Siren in the file list is the system default one (strftime "%c").
Normally it should be the same as the one used by Nautilus under Gnome or the file explorer under Windows.
I thought it was consistent.
It seems possible to change the default but it is not that obvious.

The "column" bug should be corrected in the next build.



(2 replies, posted in Evolution requests)

Hello and welcome,

You are the second person asking for this feature.
I'll have a deeper look at it without promising it will be added.

Thanks for the suggestion,



(4 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)

La derniere build (811) devrait corriger ce bug.

N'hésitez pas à me signaler tout problème.


%Rn{size,min,max} has been added in the last build (811).

Thanks for your support.


In the last build (811), Ctrl+Shift+E has been added to the manual rename window and to the expression testbed dialog (all fields) .



(4 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)

La modification a été faite, elle devrait être présente dans la prochaine build.


This user has a problem with accented characters present in m4a (qtf) tags.
A correction to this issue should be present in the next build.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)

En attendant que vous m'envoyiez les informations que je vous ai demandées dans mon post précédent et que je trouve une solution à ce problème, essayez cette expression :

Le "&" est un nouveau modificateur qui convertit les séquences UTF-8 ascii en UTF8.
Il se peut qu'elle fonctionne dans votre cas.



(4 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)


Pour ce genre de problème j'ai besoin de plusieurs choses :

- Si vous le connaissez, le nom du logiciel avec lequel les informations ont été écrites dans le fichier m4a (itunes ...)

- Si vous le connaissez, le nom du système d'exploitation sur lequel cela s'est déroulé (windows xp, Ubuntu, OSX ...)

- Un ou plusieurs fichiers provoquant ce problème.
Pour cela vous pouvez me l'envoyer par mail à l'adresse figurant dans "?/A propos .../Remarques et suggestions" de Siren.
Si le fichier est trop gros, vous pouvez vous contenter de ne m'envoyer que son début.
Pour cela Siren intègre une fonction dédiée. Lancez le, mettez en valeur le fichier (en bleu sous Windows), faites un click-droit, choisissez l'option "Extraction du contenu du fichier" et choisissez "Premiers 512 Kio", par exemple, puis l'endroit ou sauvegarder cette "extraction".

A bientôt,



I'll try to implement the %Rn{size,min,max} modifier.




I'm not going to implement the "length" columns but I'll try to add the Ctrl+Shift+E in the manual rename dialog.




Since "%Rn{n}" can result to zero too, the computed file name is often "nothing"
I am not saying getting an '0' is bad at all. Maybe sometime that's exactly what we need.

There may be different solutions to this.
Replace 0 with 1 :
Increment the random number by 1 :

Quite complicated but maybe at the "height" of the problem  wink

Hmm, i am sure "%T{%fc}" worked on more then one file an minute ago,
but now only the first selected file get computed and shows the first line from that file.
If i deselect that first file, the second selected file get now computed.

%T{%fc} with return the nth line of the current evaluate file. n being the selection number of the file.
If you want the first line of the file you should use : %T1{%fc}

Values greater then 50 fall back to default '8'
I have not really counted the amount of signs, but you see it if you use %Rn{50} and %Rn{51}.

You're right. I've decided to max out the length to 50 and the default length of random strings is defined in the Preferences. By default it is 8.
I can easily change these in the next build if needed.

Question: The "%Rs{n,m}" syntax was to much to implement?

I imagine you meant "%Rn{n,m}". This feature would only be meaningful for numbers.
I thought the last syntax evolution was enough.
I'll have a look on this for the next build.
Maybe the syntax might be : %R{size,mix,max}"

Thanks for your feedback.

PS : It seems there may be a typo in the title of the thread (threat/thread)


This evolution (variables as parameters) has been added in the last build (805).
I hope it will correspond to what you expected.


Sorry, I missed your "Edit".
(thanks to Pierre for pointing out your post)

Speaking about testers giving feedbacks, there are few of them for the Windows version and none for the GNU/Linux one.
I didn't get any report about the metadata extraction and I'm sure there are bugs/problems there.
If you've got time to recruit interested people, it could help.

Thanks for your support


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)

Avez-vous réessayé le "glisser" avec la version/build qui posait problème ?
Une différence non négligeable de la build 784 par rapport aux précédentes est que wxWidgets est passé en version 2.9.3.

Comme le suggere Stefan, vous pouvez obtenir un resultat similaire sans changer l'expression mais en modifiant les preferences.
Dans "Preferences/Modifications/Remplacer les caracteres".
Ajoutez "\" dans "De" et "_" dans "A".

Cela evitera toute creation de sous-repertoires.


As suggested by Stefan, you can get a similar result without changing the expression but by modifying the preferences.
In "Preferences/Modifications/Characters to replace".
Add "\" in "From" and "_" in "To".

This will prevent any subdirectory creation.


I'm not sure to understand what you mean with %Ra{3,4}.

The idea of using variable as parameter in expressions comes and goes.
I'll have a closer look at it.

Thanks for the suggestions and your "How to"s.


Je pense avoir compris l'origine de votre probleme.
Il est du a la variable "%Xet" (temps d'exposition) qui
parfois contient un "/". Par exemple : "1/320s".

Vous avez peut-etre remarque que, sous Windows, "\" n'est pas le seul caractere autorise
comme separateur de nom de repertoire dans un "chemin". "/" fait aussi parfaitement
Par exemple dans l'explorarateur de fichier, vous pouvez entrer sans probleme :

Vous pouvez donc choisir "\" ou "/".
Les versions 2 et anterieures de Siren n'offraient pas cette liberte.
La 3.00 permet, sous Windows, d'utiliser indifferemment l'un ou l'autre.

Le "/" contenu dans la variable "%Xet" qui, sous Siren 2, etait vu comme un caractere invalide (et donc remplace par "_")
est vu par Siren 3 comme un separateur de repertoire. Cela provoque la la creation du sous repertoire sur votre machine.

La solution la plus simple est de modifier legerement l'expression que vous utilisez en y ajoutant un modificateur
qui va changer le "/" en "_".

Voici a quoi elle devrait ressembler maintenant :

Notez que j'en ai aussi enleve la variable "%j" qui est inutile.



This user is having troubles because the same expression doesn't give the same result under Siren 2 and 3.

Here it is :

Here is my answer :


I think I've understood the cause of your problem.
It is due to the variable "%Xet" (exposure time) which sometimes contains
a "/". For example : "1/320s".

You may have noticed that, under Windows, "\" is not the only character that can be used 
as directory name separator in a "path". "/" can perfectly do the trick too.
For example in the the file explorer, you can enter without problem :

So you can choose "\" or "/".
The versions 2 and prior of Siren didn't offer this freedom.
The 3.00 allows, under Windows, to use indifferently one or the other.

The "/" contained in the "%Xet" variable which, under Siren 2, was seen as an invalid character (and therefore replaced with "_")
is seen under Siren 3 as a directory separator. This generates the folder creation on your machine.

The simpliest solution is to slightly modify the expression you are using by adding to it a modifier which will 
change the "/" to "_".

Here is to what it should look like now:



Pour pouvoir repondre a votre question il faudrait plus de details.

Quelle expression de renommage utilisez-vous ?

Quels resultats desirez-vous obtenir ?
Donnez plusieurs exemples "avant" et "apres" renommages.

Sans ces informations il sera tres difficile de vous aider.

Bonnes fetes,



The first version of the "Expression testbed" has been added in the last build (784).
I hope it corresponds to what you expected.


Stefan wrote:

I guess there is an reason there is no "Evolution requests" sub forum ? ;-)

I don't know what you're talking about  wink

More honestly I thought that "Evolutions" should appear after the final release.
In fact you're right.

Stefan wrote:

For own testing issues or for helping questions on the forum
i find it not comfortable to always create new temporary files.

Something like an "Expression lab". Good idea.

But you know that there will a lot of limitations like :
- the only available variables will be the ones associated to the file name
- maybe "%np" and its family will be empty
- other ones that I've to figure out

I'll have a look at this. It seems feasible and should not add too much kilo bytes to the executable wink.