(2 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)


This is a known bug. It appeared in the 3.14 windows version.
If you use the 3.13 (download link) it should be fine.
To solve the "%XX" issue you can use the "#" modifier which has been created for this purpose.
In your case : %#f => @Dscn####.jpg
You can find details and examples in the help.

Regarding the release of the 3.15 : It is not finished yet and as I don't work much on it right now I can't give any date.



(1 replies, posted in Evolution requests)

Hello and Welcome,

I'll try to have a look at this.
"No drive letter" can have important consequences.

Have you tried to use tools to map mtp devices ?



In "Preferences" / "General" can you verify that "Check automatically if a new version is available" is unchecked ?

Hoping we'll find out the root cause.



Is the issue present when you change directory ?

Please make some tests : Open the "Preferences" dialog.
- In "Display" verify that in "List directories", "Compute and display size" is unchecked
- In "General" uncheck "Extract metadata from the file contents"

This should speed up the startup.

If the issue is related to the meta data extraction :
- if the startup directory is on a "slow" device try to change to a "faster" one and make some more tests
- if the startup directory contains a lot of files try to change to an empty one and make some more tests
- if any, try to find out which are the "guilty" file(s)



Hello and welcome,

I only have made a few tests under W10 and didn't notice anything peculiar.
You are the first one to report this problem.

The long starting time you are facing looks like a timeout.
One of the new features of Siren v3 is the directory tree on the left.
Do you have any device mounted on your machine which could have high latency or
connection issues ?
If so, disconnect it and start Siren v3.14 again.



For now, in 3.15, the filter syntax won't be changed to "respect" the standard.
Therefore only a set of characters can be forbidden.
So the expression could be written : [*.jpg]%Xdo_%f;[ *.[!j][!p][!g]]%dc_%f

You are right. This is not very nice but not that ugly neutral.

About the next version, I am still working on it. Siren 3.15 is on its way but far from finished.
It might include a feature that could help on the "conditional" expression problem.
You can have a look at it there : Opinion on new feature : expression filters

Hello and welcome,

Sorry but I need more details to recreate and understand the bug :
- The version of Siren you are using (it is indicated in the "About ..." dialog)
- The renaming expression
- The names of the files you are working on
- If you are using metadata (Exif, Iptc, id3 ...) I need to have access to one of the files.
Give me an address to download it or try to send it me using the mail @ in Siren's "About" dialog.
- Your machine OS name and version


Hello and welcome to this forum,

Your request is interesting but would require too much changes for now.
In the mean time you can do it another way :

1) Create a text file containing the months names.
I created : "d:\check\month.txt" containing the lines (of course you can use the name and location you want, just update the expression accordingly) :

2) Use the following expression :
To rename the files with names begining with a YYYYMMDD date :

Here is a quick explanation with the file "20040214_garden.jpg" :
%b(7,2) gives the day : 14
%b(5,2) gives the month : 02
%T{"d:\\check\\month.txt",%b(5,2)} is interpreted as %T{"d:\\check\\month.txt",02} giving the 2nd line of the "month" file : February
The final result will be : 14February
Siren's help should give you more details about the "%T" veriable and the modifier parameter substitution.

If you want to rename "Exif" and "YYYYYMMDD" files in a single pass here is a trickier expression (if needed I'll explain it) :

Hoping this will help.


(9 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)

Sorry for my late answer.

As previously mentioned, I have found a bug in the filtering mechanism.
The match is not done only on the file name but on the complete path to it too.
Therefore, in your case, if an element of the complete path matches "*\\MM2007*" then
whatever the file name is it will pass the filter.
For example :
will pass the filter because "*\\MM2007*" is in the complete path.

With current Siren version (3.14) the filter "*\\MM2007*\\*MM2007*.jpg" may correspond to your needs.
In the next version (3.15), in which the bug is corrected, only the file name is tested, not its path.
This won't be possible to achieve ...


(7 replies, posted in Comments)


Thanks for your kindness and support.

I wish you and all visitors a happy 2016.


(9 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)


This can be done for all other selection tasks through radio buttons.
Even if I am not sure this would be very useful for directory loading,
a solution might be to add another syntax element to invert the filter result.
I'll think about it.



(9 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)


I have corrected the bug (and maybe add new ones ...).
Now the filter "*Artist3\; Artist1*" works.

To limit the blockings I intend to add a new feature :
if a filter begins with "/" all what follows will be seen as a regular expression.
If a name matches, it passes.
For example :
*.txt could be rewritten as : /\.txt$
*.jpg;*.png could be rewritten as : /\.(jpg|png)$
*Artist3\; Artist1* could be rewritten as : /Artist3; Artist1

Selecting file with names containing 1 to 3 following 'a' could be written as : /a{1,3}
Selecting files starting and ending with twice the same 3 characters sequence (abcxxx.abc) could be written as : /^(...).*\1$

By default the match would be case insensitive but, as the regular expression implementation Siren uses allows it, this could be changed.
For example : "image.PNG" won't match "/(?c)\.(txt|png)$".
Searching a '/', under GTK/Linux for example, could be done by preceeding it with "\".
This should work for filtered sub-expressions too.

What do you think ?



EDIT : I have also corrected a bug that appeared in version 3.13 : the name filtering was done on the "full path + full name" instead of only the full name ...


I have found a workaround for this bug.
The correction should be present in the next version.

Thanks & regards


I have been able to reproduce the problem.
This seems related to a unicode conversion issue.
I have to investigate further to clearly identify the root cause.



(9 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)


This is a bug. The ";" is a metacharacter in a Siren filter.
If it is normal not to find anything with : *Artist3; Artist1*
It shouldn't be the case with : *Artist3\; Artist1*

I'll try to find a solution to this.



I have made some tests and it worked correctly on my machine.
Can you please give us the complete renaming expression you used ?



(13 replies, posted in How to ...)


I noticed you seemed to start your DOS commands manually via a extern "cmd" command.
Have you tried using the Siren's "Tools" feature ?
I have made some tests and it seems to work correctly.
For example to create the "numfiles.txt" files I added a new entry in "Tools" :
Name : Create numfiles.txt
Command : cmd /C \"dir /b /a-d \"%f\" | find  /c /v \"\" > \"%f\\numfiles.txt\"\"

Just a reminder : the "tools" are executed on highlighted files, not the selected ones.



(13 replies, posted in How to ...)


There are different ways to get what you want.
The simplest seems to be the regular expression modifier.
For example : %b_%T{%fa(s/$/\\numfiles.txt/),1}

Here, the metacharacter '$' (regular expression standard) represents the end the string.
In our case the end of "%fa".
'$' is replaced by "\numfiles.txt" which is equivalent to concatenate the two strings.

I have already thought about expanding the expression syntax to allow a more natural way
to achieve this but I haven't found the right solution yet.
Do not hesitate to give your ideas.

One remark : you posted in the "Siren 1 or 2" part of this forum but this expression
won't work with these old versions.
Maybe should I move this post to the "Siren 3" section. Ok ?



(4 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)


Sorry for what happened. I have never experienced it and this has never been reported to me.
What "backup" policy do you have in mind ?

About my "favourites", you will be disappointed : I have a very few and they are very simplistic.
Currently the ones I use the most are :

I don't have much repetitive work to do. When I have something special to achieve I generally
write a one shot expression.
When it looks interesting I may add it to Siren's help.
Stefan add some to the help section of this forum (thanks to him).
I encourage you (and all the users) to do the same.




Normally some of the information you request should already be available :
"Publisher" : Doc-Company column / %ON variable
"Date Published" : Doc-Creation column / %On variable
For the other ones I need some epub files containing them.
Can you give me the address of a few ones that I can download ?

About the "LastName, FirstName" split you can use the "[]" modifier.
For example if the author "Doc-Author" (%Oa) column contains "Doe, John" you can get :
the last name with : %Oa[1,","]
and the first name with : %Oa[2,","]


Thanks for your kind feedback !

About the preferences, adding an information indicating that it differs from default would be a bit "too much" ... no ?
To be honest, this step in the expression computation process doesn't only make changes associated to preferences but other few ones too like path normalization etc. . The first version used "global" rather than "preferences" in the "operation" column.
I thought it would be clearer to the final user to change it.

I have made a test for the "Passed" column. "No pass" or "Don't pass" are not the right ones. I can't put an icon either (green or red light), the API doesn't allow it.

In these "debug data" I would like to add more details like in the help. Maybe one day.

I keep working on the next release mainly correcting bugs, making modifications associated to C++11 etc.
It won't come out soon.
If you are ok maybe will I send you a pre-alpha when available.


I have added a "search" tab to the completion windows.
Except the "search" field it looks and behaves the same as the other one.
I have to think more about making (or not) the whole thing dockable.

Thanks for your remarks.




Here is the first version of the "new" testbed.
For this example the preferences contains a rule to replace "@" with "o".

Give me your thoughts, please.




No intermediate result is kept after computation.
Maybe in the expression testbed. I'll think about it.

Thanks again