(4 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)

Bonjour et merci pour votre message,

Je viens d'essayer sans succes de reproduire le probleme.
Quelque chose m'echappe.

Merci a ceux qui pourraient effectuer ce test.


This user is having an issue with Drag&Drop under Windows 7.
He can't drop files from the Windows Explorer to Siren.
Its tests show that it is working under Vista.

He has no problem with Siren 2.01 under Windows 7.

I've tried without success to reproduce the problem.
I'm surely missing something.

Thanks to all who could achieve the test.


(0 replies, posted in How to ...)

The translatable text can be divided into two parts:

  • the user interface

  • the help

The translated files are located in a subdirectory of "locale" named after the "code" of the language you're working on.
For example: locale/en, locale/en_US, locale/fr ...

1) The user interface
Siren uses wxWidgets's translation system which is based on GNU "gettext".
"siren.mo" is the "compiled" version of "siren.po". Siren only needs the ".mo" file.
Tools like Poedit are perfect for the job.   

The simplest way to achieve the translation is:

  1. Create a directory named after your language code and download/extract into it the "siren.po"
    present at this address.

  2. Change the project meta data of your "siren.po"
    For example, in Poedit go to "Catalog/Configuration".
    Note that the translator name and email will be displayed in Siren's "About ..." window.

  3. Translate your "siren.po"
    Take care of the "printf-like" parameters (%s, %d ...)
    Don't be limited by the original string lengths. The user interface should adapt.

  4. Generate your "siren.mo"
    Poedit will do it each time you save the ".po"

2) The help
The help file is named "siren.htb".
At run time if it is not present in the language code directory, Siren will look in the "locale" and finally in the executable one. 

"siren.htb" is a ".zip" file renamed ".htb".
Mainly, it contains ".htm" files using a limited HTML syntax. The entry is "index.htm".

Here are the elements that have to be modified:

  • The ".htm" files have to be translated
    Take care of the examples using dates: English date format is MM/DD/YYYY and, for example, in French it is DD/MM/YYYY.
    I can send you a small utility to display individual wxWidgets HTML files

  • The file "siren.hhc" contains the "Content" menu.
    In all the lines like: <param name="Name" value="xxxxx">
    the value has to be translated

  • The file "siren.hpp" contains the title of the help. It has to be translated too

  • Maybe the screenshots from the "user interface tips" page. I can do them if needed

The resulting files have to be compressed to a "siren.htb" zip file.

Thanks for your involvement !


(4 replies, posted in How to ...)

Welcome and thanks,

You can do this by using the specialized modifier associated to selection numbers.
For example, if you want to prefix the current file name with the selection number starting at 6901, use an expression like:
%n{5,6901} - %f

5 : is the final size, in this case the first file will start with: 06901.
You can change the value there, eventually omit it.

6901 : is the start value

A third parameter, the increment, has not been specified.

By default all missing values are taken from "Options/Numbers". Therefore if you don't want to use the "{}" modifier, just modify the "Options".

Hope this will help,


This is a very interesting example and your solution is perfect.

For the users not fond of regular expressions here is another way to do it:

The explanation is very similar to the one you gave except that the extraction of the characters between the "()" is done with the "[]" modifier.



(2 replies, posted in How to ...)


The "msg" file type support is not planned yet.

"eml" is supposed to be added in the next version but this format is not natively handled by Outlook.



(1 replies, posted in Evolution requests)


New file formats support is planned for the next release.
MKV should be part of it.

Thanks for your post and your mail !


(1 replies, posted in Bugs and problems)


You're right, Siren doesn't support unicode characters.
Maybe one day ...

Best regards

Siren 2.01 solves this issue.

Bonjour et bienvenue,

La page qui semble être celle du développeur de Shotnum (http://choulan.free.fr/phildes/ShootNum.php) indique que cette information est extraite des "Makernote" contenues dans les metadonnées Exif de certains boîtiers Nikon.

Shotnum wrote:

Les informations sur lesquelles se base le soft sont plus précisément contenues dans la partie Makernote des métadonnées.
ShootNum se réserve exclusivement à l'analyse des données émanant des boîtier reflex de la marque Nikon. Seuls les boîtiers des dernières générations (postérieurs aux anciens D1 et D100) permettent l'accès aux données qui nous intéressent.

Si les donnees "Makernote" font bien partie du standard Exif, leur contenu est laissé à la discrétion de chaque constructeur.

Siren, de son coté, se contente d'analyser et d'extraire les informations Exif normalisées.
Les "Makernote" ne font pas partie de mes priorités et ne seront sans doute jamais ajoutées à Siren.

A bientôt,



(0 replies, posted in Announcements)

This version corrects a compatibility problem with the 64 bits versions of Windows.

Many thanks to Ritchie for his support.


(2 replies, posted in How to ...)


Si je comprends votre problème, vos noms de fichiers sont formés de la façon suivante:
et vous voulez les renommer en:

La chaîne qui précède la date peut avoir n'importe quelle longueur.

Je vois deux expressions permettant d'arriver à ce résultat.

La première ne comporte pas d'expression régulière:

%b(1,-8): correspond au nom de base sans ses 8 derniers caractères: le nom de base sans la date
%b(-2): correspond aux deux derniers caractères du nom de base: l'année
%b(-9,6): correspond aux six caractères qui précèdent l'année: le mois et le jour avec les '_'
%e: l'extension

La deuxième utilise une expression regulière:
Je ne rentrerai pas dans les détails de celle-ci.

J'espère que cette petite aide vous sera utile.


(1 replies, posted in Evolution requests)

Hello and welcome,

The problem here is to select the files created recently.
There is no user interface elements to directly achieve this.

I see two solutions:

Sort the files by Creation Date and select them by "block":
- The file list can be sorted by any column.
By default, the Creation Date one is not displayed. To add it, goto Options/Columns, click on the "Creation" item checkbox and press OK.
Click on the column header of the "Creation" column. The files should be sorted.
- Click on the first file you want to rename and shift-click on the last one.
You can now select the highlighted files with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Enter or the option menu Select/Select.

D&D: If you have another program listing the files in the order you want, drag and drop them onto Siren: they will be automatically selected.

Now the rename operation can be done the usual way.

Hoping this will help


(2 replies, posted in How to ...)


I mainly see two different solutions to this problem.

1) Chain replacement modifiers
The idea is here to replace the selection number with the character sequence you expect.

For example, with an expression like:

2) Text file lines
The %T variable is quite powerful and allows to extract the "selection number"th line of a text file.

For example, if you create the text file: c:\sr_num.txt containing the lines:

The expression: File_%T{"c:\\sr_num.txt"}.%e
should do the trick. (Note that the double '\' is not a typo)
Of course the text file will need to have as much lines as the number of files you want to rename.

You can also do "trickier" by using the array extraction modifier.
That way, you can use different numbering patterns. For example if the text file contains:
A - a - I - one
B - b - II - two
C - c - III - three
D - d - IV - four
E - e - V - five
F - f - VI - six
G - g - VII - seven
H - h - VIII - eight
I - i - IX - nine
J - j - X - ten

You can use the following expression:
File_%T{"c:\\sr_num.txt"}[1].%e  : to get uppercase letters
File_%T{"c:\\sr_num.txt"}[2].%e  : to get lowercase letters
File_%T{"c:\\sr_num.txt"}[3].%e  : to get roman numerals
File_%T{"c:\\sr_num.txt"}[4].%e  : to get text numbering

Hoping this will help.


(5 replies, posted in How to ...)

You ask:

So, do you think I can use SIREN to produce and append this to the video files I have?

I don't really know what to add to my previous posts.
Now you know what Siren can and can't do. Make tests and then decide if this piece of software is the right choice.

If you've got more questions I'll do my best to answer them.

Best regards,


PS: This topic seems to be more related to the "How to ..." entry. I've moved it there.


(5 replies, posted in How to ...)


ARTIST - Song Name (ripper_watermarked?_year of release)(fps_hvxvv_videocodec_comon vid ref vob/svcd/vcd_pal/ntsc standard?_audio stream 1 codec/standard_audio stream 2 codec/standard).fileextension

This "name format" seems to mix different kind of information:
- Pure ones. Extractible from the file content: fps, video sizes, video codec, audio codecs ... These ones should be usable through Siren's variables
- Computable ones. Svcd, ntsc looks for me as a "standard" based on codecs, video sizes, fps ... so they seem redundant with the "pure" ones (I may be wrong on this point).
- Potential ones like the "year of release" or "ripper" may have been included in the meta data or be already present in the current name. They may be usable with Siren
- Unusable ones. Siren can't extract watermarked information

I am not sure that Siren is the right tool to use.
Maybe a video dedicated software would be much more adapted to your needs.




(5 replies, posted in How to ...)

Hi and welcome to the forum,

An important thing to know is how Siren extracts data from a file. Here are a some details:
- Its first and most important clue is the file extension. It only tries to go further if it handles it.
You'll know the supported list by looking at the help file.
- Based on this extension it opens the file and tries to analyze and extract the meta data.
If there is any issue like unhandled syntax, feature ... it stops.
One of the most common problem is a wrong file extension. For example, an "mpg" file which name ends with ".avi".
Try to rename these ones manually and check if the meta data "come out".
- Depending on the file type not all information are available, for example: fps for "wmv" files
- Some information may not correctly be interpreted, for example the codec fourcc. But the fourcc is present in the info column.

If you want to use outputs from other programs the best way to do it is to create a text file.
For each file put all information on the same line separated by a specific character and then use it as input to your renaming expression with the "%T" variable.

I am always interested in this kind of issue. The best way to figure them out is for me to have the data. I know files can be huge. That's why I've added to Siren an hidden feature that allows to extract files beginning or ending (this is generally the place where meta data are stored).
For this, highlight a file you're interested in and press: Ctrl+Alt+ a digit from the main part of the keyboard (not the numeric keypad):
Ctrl+Alt+1: to extract the first 100kb of the file
Ctrl+Alt+2: to extract the first 200kb of the file
Ctrl+Alt+9: to extract the first 900kb of the file

Replacing Alt with Shift will have the same action but for the last bytes of the file:
Ctrl+Shift+1: to extract the last 100kb of the file

Then send me the extracted data (for video files, only the beginning generally matters) and I'll have a look at them:
siren (at) scarabee-software (dot) net.

When you say that video attributes choice is way to short, what are the ones you're missing ?

I hope this will help.

Best regards,



(1 replies, posted in How to ...)

Hello Alth,

You've found the solution. I just add here more explanation for users having the same issue.

As the biggest element usable is the hour, to add one year you've got to add 8760 hours (365x24) or 8784 if a February 29th is present in the interval.
The expression: %Xdo{,8760h} can do the trick.

Another solution can be to use a string replacement modifier.

Best regards


Siren only changes file names, no other attribute.

Best regards

Welcome to this forum !

I've already made several tests under Windows7 32bits. All seems ok with it.
After reading your post I installed the last RC 64 bits in a virtual machine and I've had the same problem with the completion window.

It looks like a compatibility issue of the 64 bits version. As it is a RC version maybe a next one will solve it.
I don't think I'll investigate deeper before the final one comes out.

Thanks a lot for your post.



(2 replies, posted in Evolution requests)

Bonjour Michel,

Even if it is not obvious wink you already can do this.
Here is what the expression could be:

It is a combination of sub-expressions and string modifiers.
Of course it would be much easier to use a specific syntax like the one you suggest.

For sure the expression grammar has to be improved. I'll have to work on this.
Any contribution is welcome.

Thanks for your post.



(1 replies, posted in How to ...)

Hello and welcome,

If I understand your need you want to copy with a different name all the files from a directory.

For example:


You can do this this way:
- Go into the directory you want to copy
- Switch to "recursive mode": click on the "directory tree button" or File/Load sub directories
- Select all files (Ctrl+A or Select/All)
- Enter the following expression: %P(1,-1)_blah\\%fc.xxx
- Press Enter and check the "Future name"s
- Click on the "Copy" button (>> or Action/Copy)

About the expression: %P(1,-1)_blah\\%fc.xxx

%P: will return the current directory with a "\" added to it
(1,-1): will remove this last "\" so we'll be able to change the "source" directory name
\\: as for Siren "\" is a special character, it has to be doubled
%fc: will return the displayed name. In our case the name with its relative path

Hope this will help



(1 replies, posted in Evolution requests)


I must admit that I've never looked deep into the image resizing quality sad.
My aim was only to allow the user to identify the file.
For compatibility purpose the function used is common to all Windows versions since 98 and is not, for sure, the most accurate.

I am working on a new version that includes an image library allowing to choose the rescale quality (normal or bicubic/box averaging). The few tests done give good performance results on a standard machine.
Maybe an option for normal/high quality could be enough.

This same library is able to display a few new image types including "png" smile.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions


(3 replies, posted in How to ...)

Hello and welcome !

fprevos wrote:

It's a little bit user un-friendly

Thanks for the euphemism wink

Your request points out at least two limitations of the %T variable:
- The associated text file name has to be a constant
- The absolute line number to extract can only be one digit long (< 10)

Based on this, one way to solve your issue is to generate appropriate text files before usage.
You'll have to deal with the DOS command prompt ...
The first idea that comes to my mind is to create two text files:
- "tel.txt" containing the phones numbers
- "date.txt" containing the SMS reception dates/times

The line orders have to follow the alphabetical file names orders.

To achieve this you can execute the following commands:
findstr /C:"TEL:+" *.vmg > tel.txt
findstr /C:"Date:" *.vmg > date.txt

Then you can start Siren and apply to your files an expression like:
%T{"tel.txt"}[3,":"]_%T{"date.txt"}[3,"/ "]-%T[2,"/"]-%T[3,"/:"].*

This seems to work under Vista.

Hope this will help.


(2 replies, posted in How to ...)

Hello Rajko and welcome !

The issue is related to the command line parameters. I know it is a bit tricky, sorry.

The best way to see what Siren does is to do it by step, not using "/R" and "/Q" at first.
If you just start your command line without them:

Z:\Siren\Siren.exe /D "X:\bilderarchiv\2008-07-19" /F "crw*.crw" /S "*" /A 10D /P

You'll see that no files have been selected for the rename operation.

The "/F" switch applies a filter to the file list but doesn't select them. In fact it "fills" the filter combo edit box as you would manually do.
You've got to use the "/S" option in place or in conjunction of "/F" depending on your directory content.
For example:

Z:\Siren\Siren.exe /D "X:\bilderarchiv\2008-07-19" /F "crw*.crw" /S "*" /A 10D /P /R /Q
Z:\Siren\Siren.exe /D "X:\bilderarchiv\2008-07-19" /S "crw*.crw" /A 10D /P /R /Q

Using "/F" should reduce a bit the directory time loading by avoiding the meta data extraction of files you don't care of.

Siren command line features is not limited to batch renaming but to Siren GUI initialization too.

Hope this will help.

Best regards

Hi Stefan,

Stefan wrote:

Siren 2.0 on Vista (on XP i can test tomorrow)

I have found an problem, i think.
Maybe this work around helps others coming here with such an problem too.

You think right !
This issue should occur on all platforms.
I'll have a look at this.

Thanks for pointing it out.